Swan inducted into IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee Virtual Reality Academy

June 5, 2024

Ed Swan, a professor of computer science and engineering, has been inducted into the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee’s Virtual Reality Academy for his fundamental research on perceptual issues in virtual and augmented reality.

Swan is one of six members inducted in 2024 into the prestigious academy, which highlights leaders for their significant contributions to the field.

Inductees are selected based on their contributions, influence and participation in the field and community.

The IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is online at www.cse.msstate.edu and can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

The Bagley College of Engineering is online at www.bagley.msstate.edu and can be found on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and YouTube at @msuengineering.

Mississippi State University is taking care of what matters. Learn more at www.msstate.edu.

By Aspen Harris