BCoE Student Hall of Fame 2023: Paola Rangel

March 1, 2023

Congratulations to the 2023 Bagley College of Engineering Student Hall of Fame class!
Over the next few days, we will be highlighting each SHoF recipient.
The new members participated in a Q&A reflecting on their time at Mississippi State.

Paola Rangel

What is your name, age, classification and major?

My name is Paola Rangel and I am 22 years old. I am a senior majoring in Industrial and Systems Engineering.

What year did you begin studying at MSU and when is your expected graduation date?

I began studying at MSU in the Fall of 2019 and will graduate this May, 2023.

Why did you choose to attend MSU, and why did you choose an engineering field of study?

In elementary school, I came to learn about MSU and later had older cousins attend here, so I became a fan at a very young age and grew to love the culture. After multiple campus visits as a high school student, I knew for certain that I wanted to spend the next four years in Starkville. By this time, I had been set on engineering for several years; I had always been good at math and science and I wanted to apply these skills to my future career. Fun fact: MSU was the only school I applied to!

What are your favorite campus organizations you have become a part of?

My favorite campus organizations are Alumni Delegates, Bagley College of Engineering Ambassadors, ISE Reps, Society of Women Engineers and New Maroon Camp. As an Alumni Delegate, I have been able to serve and connect with our MSU alumni and current students alongside my fellow delegates with whom I have created a tight-knit bond. My time as a BCoE Ambassador, ISE Rep, and New Maroon Camp Counselor have allowed me plenty of fantastic opportunities to meet and interact with prospective and incoming students and share my passion for the Bagley College of Engineering and Mississippi State. In SWE, I have loved getting to meet other women in engineering here on campus and I had great times at the national conferences. I am very grateful for all these organizations and all the great friendships they have produced.

What has been your favorite course you have taken at MSU and why?

Two of the courses I took at MSU still stand out to me to this day. The first course, ergonomics, was one of the first classes I took in the Department of Industrial Engineering and it served to jumpstart my passion for Industrial Engineering. My second favorite was floral design because of how relaxing it was making floral arrangements every week and how it served as a mental break from my engineering course work.

Which course has been your most challenging at MSU and why? What was something you learned about yourself after taking that course?

The most challenging course I took at MSU had to be physics II, mainly because of how hard it was for me to grasp the concepts. This class demanded many more hours of studying each week than any before it. Physics II taught me that it is okay to ask for help from your professors and that there are plenty of resources out there on campus to help students succeed.

What is one thing you have learned, related to engineering, during your time in the Bagley College of Engineering?

I learned that engineers need to be very open-minded and willing to face new challenges whenever they come, especially in high-pressure scenarios. My time as a student in the Bagley College of Engineering has definitely helped me develop my mental elasticity.

How has MSU and specifically the Bagley College of Engineering prepared you for professional life after college?

The Bagley College of Engineering has best prepared me for professional life after college by exposing me to plenty of group work scenarios. Being a team player is a quality of all great professionals, even outside of the STEM realm. I have no doubt that this skill will come in handy throughout my engineering career.

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I am beginning my career as an Industrial Engineer with UPS at their World Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

What will you miss most about MSU after you graduate?

I will definitely miss all the genuine friends I have made here and the amazing advisors and professors that have helped me every step of the way. I am going to miss seeing these people every day. I have called this place home for the past four years, and while I am excited to graduate and start a new journey, I am incredibly sad that this chapter of my life is coming to an end.

Paola Rangel

The Bagley College of Engineering is online at www.bagley.msstate.edu and can be found on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and YouTube at @msuengineering.

MSU is Mississippi’s leading university, available online at www.msstate.edu.

By Emily Cambre