BCoE Student Hall of Fame 2022: Nirmal Bhatt

April 12, 2022

Congratulations to the 2022 Bagley College of Engineering Student Hall of Fame class!
Over the next few days, we will be highlighting each SHoF recipient.
The new members participated in a Q&A reflecting on their time at Mississippi State.

Nirmal Bhatt

What is your name, age, classification and major?

Nirmal Bhatt, 21, senior, mechanical engineering

What year did you begin studying at MSU and when is your expected graduation date?

I began studying at MSU in the Fall of 2018 and I am expected to graduate in May 2022.

Why did you choose to attend MSU, and why did you choose an engineering field of study?

I chose to attend MSU when I visited as a high school senior, and fell in love with the campus and its warm and welcoming atmosphere. I felt that I was welcomed and accepted by the campus community. I chose engineering as my field of study because I was passionate about math and science, and loved problem solving – I chose mechanical engineering more specifically because I was unsure of the specific area that I wanted to focus on and wanted to explore the various opportunities that a broad education in mechanical would bring.

What are your favorite campus organizations you have become a part of?

My favorite campus organizations that I have become a part of are The Engineering Recruitment Leaders (BCoE Ambassadors), The MSU Energy Club (Solar Decathlon), MSU Space Cowboys, Lambda Sigma Honors Society, and the MSU Speech and Debate Council.

What has been your favorite course you have taken at MSU and why?

My favorite course that I have taken at MSU is the Introduction to Engineering and Public Policy course taught by Dr. Green. This has been my favorite course at MSU because it introduced me to the world of public policy and the importance of technical knowledge in driving systemic change. It influenced my trajectory throughout my undergraduate career.

Which course has been your most challenging at MSU and why? What was something you learned about yourself after taking that course?

My most challenging course at MSU has been Vibrations and Controls, as the course consisted of various concepts that were difficult to grasp and required a concerted effort for me to understand. I realized after taking the class that although my effort to understand the course material paid off, I did not enjoy the class material, which helped me further cement my decision to pursue a career in energy.

What is one thing you have learned, related to engineering, during your time in the Bagley College of Engineering?

The most important thing I have learned related to engineering in my time at the BCoE is that engineering, above all else, is a method of problem-solving. Following the engineering process helps me break down complex problems into easy-to-understand steps that I can follow to understand and solve the problem at hand.

How has MSU and specifically the department of engineering prepared you for professional life after college?

MSU and the Department of Engineering have given me access to multiple opportunities for career development through the career fair, mentorship from faculty members across engineering disciplines, and through opportunities to conduct research under amazing advisors in the College of Engineering. These opportunities have allowed me to explore different professional paths after graduation and have enabled me to make an informed decision about my career path.

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I will be pursuing a Master of Science in Technology and Policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

What will you miss most about MSU after you graduate?

The thing that I will miss most about MSU is the wonderful people and communities that I have been a part of. The warm atmosphere and welcoming nature of people here is something I will miss dearly. My friends, mentors, and teachers have provided a wonderful community over the past four years, and I will miss that dearly.

Nirmal Bhatt

The Bagley College of Engineering is online at www.bagley.msstate.edu and can be found on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and YouTube at @msuengineering.

MSU is Mississippi’s leading university, available online at www.msstate.edu.

By Emily Cambre