MSU engineering faculty members honored for excellence

December 31, 2002

Nine College of Engineering faculty members are new Hearin Professors at Mississippi State University.

The Robert M. Hearin Foundation of Jackson sponsors the annual recognition of professional excellence in teaching and research. Each recipient receives $1,000 and an engraved plaque.

This year’s group includes Royce O. Bowden, Susan M. Bridges, Joel D. Bumgardner, Steven R. Daniewicz, James E. Fowler, Allen G. Greenwood, Michael S. Mazzola, Rayford B. Vaughn, and Mark E. Zappi.

“We are able to recognize these professors for their outstanding research and teaching because of the support of the Hearin Foundation,” said Dean Wayne Bennett. “These individuals are representative of the expertise and dedication found throughout the college.”

Bowden is a professor of industrial engineering with teaching and research interests in the use of artificial intelligence in manufacturing. His publications include two engineering textbooks and numerous articles. His research includes projects for the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Science Foundation.

Bridges, a professor of computer science, teaches courses on artificial intelligence and algorithms, among others. Her current research includes a project with the Naval Oceanographic office to develop techniques for knowledge discovery from data about the ocean floor.

Bumgardner, an associate professor of biomedical engineering, teaches courses and conducts research on the interactions between the human body and orthopedic and dental implants. He has received a Whitaker Foundation grant for his research at MSU.

Associate professor of mechanical engineering Steve Daniewicz is a specialist in stress analysis, with emphasis on metal fatigue in aircraft. He has conducted research projects for NASA and the United States Air Force. His previous awards include the American Society for Testing and Materials’ 1999 Keith J. Miller Young Investigator Award.

James E. Fowler is an associate professor in the department of electrical and computer engineering, where he teaches classes in signal processing and communication. His research interests include image and video communications and data compression and he conducts research in the university’s Visualization, Analysis, and Imaging Laboratory and at the Engineering Research Center.

Greenwood is an associate professor of industrial engineering who teaches courses in engineering management, simulation, and statistics. His research interests include business process modeling and applied management science, with a current focus on the application of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate the process of simulation optimization.

Mazzola is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering whose teaching and research interests involve high voltage engineering and power electronics. He is among scientists staffing the new MSU-based Mississippi Center for Advanced Semiconductor Prototyping, which assists industry in applications for university-based silicon carbide semiconductor research.

Vaughn is an associate professor of computer science, with teaching and research responsibilities in the areas of software engineering and computer security. He often involves students in real-world applications of what they have learned, including projects that earned class members certificates of appreciation from the Naval Oceanographic Office at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County.

Zappi is a professor of chemical engineering whose specialty includes treatment of contaminated soils and waters. He coordinates the Environmental Technology Research and Applications Laboratory, which supports government and industry through the development and application of cost-effective pollution treatment and abatement techniques, while giving chemical engineering students hands-on environmental engineering experience.

Also honored during recent campus ceremonies were B. Keith Hodge of mechanical engineering, who received the college’s Engineering Career Achievement Award; Roger L. King, electrical and computer engineering, Outstanding Engineering Research Award; Robert L. King, aerospace engineering, Outstanding Research Paper; Masoud Rais-Rohani, Outstanding Instructional Paper, aerospace engineering; and Rayford B. Vaughn, Outstanding Engineering Educator Award.