May 4, 2004
STARKVILLE, Miss.–Minority high school students from across the state will gather at Mississippi State this summer for a week-long look at the university’s wide array of engineering programs.
The June 13-19 University Familiarization Program for Minorities in Engineering provides hands-on activities, laboratory investigations and classroom presentations designed to help the young scholars better understand and appreciate the varying engineering disciplines and the responsibilities of each.
“The program is for 30 academically talented students from all over the state who are now in grades 9-11,” said Emma Seiler, coordinator of educational outreach and student programs for the Bagley College of Engineering. “They stay on campus for one week and learn about the concepts of engineering.”
Initiated in 1990, the summer program addresses the needs of underrepresented minorities with emphasis in science, mathematics and engineering. MSU’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers collaborates in planning the itinerary.
MSU engineering faculty and students make presentations in relation to their individual disciplines. Students also tour neighboring corporations and industries to witness professional engineers on the job.
Departments within the college include aerospace engineering, biological engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science and engineering, electrical and computer engineering, industrial engineering and mechanical engineering.