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March 11, 2024
Dear Faculty, Staff, Students and Friends of the Bagley College of Engineering:
I hope your semester is going well. As I prepare for a trip facilitated by our Provost and Executive Vice President, Dr. David Shaw and academic and research leaders across campus to visit Cardiff University and Oxford University in the United Kingdom, I am pleased to share the following news about the Bagley College:
A decade ago, on March 1, 2014, I began my service in the dean’s office. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by, and am incredibly proud of all of the achievements that have been made by our students, staff and faculty during this time. When I think about them, I am even more energized and excited about our future.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Bagley College of Engineering at Mississippi State University. If you haven’t visited the college’s website yet, please check it out at You can also follow us on social media on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Finally, if you have any ideas for stories, please let me know at
Thank you for all you do, and Hail State!
Jason M. Keith
Dean and Professor
Earnest W. and Mary Ann Deavenport, Jr. Chair
Bagley College of Engineering
Mississippi State University
Category: ABE, Alumni, ASE, Awards, CEE, ChE, CSE, Dean Newsletter, ECE, ISE, ME, News, Newsroom, PTE