June 23, 2021
A team of Mississippi State engineering students recently captured first place at the Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute Surveying Competition at the American Society of Civil Engineers Deep South Student Conference.
The competition consisted of four separate tasks, each involving three team members, which demonstrate land surveying techniques. The tasks included pacing, differential leveling, building stakeout and determining the depth of a proposed sewer line and the cut at each station.
Members of the team, all civil engineering students in the Bagley College of Engineering, included:
Civil Engineering surveying class on Drill Field – Cory Qualls.
(photo by Megan Bean / © Mississippi State University)
Dalton Arnold
Brisa Chora
James Coleman – team captain
Braden Fayard
Joy Lampkin
Andres Mazy
Logan Nezat
Emily Strickland
John Williams
The event was hosted by Louisiana State University.
Mississippi State’s Bagley College of Engineering is online at www.bagley.msstate.edu and can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube at @msuengineering.
MSU is Mississippi’s leading university, available online at www.msstate.edu.