Newsroom | Bagley College of Engineering - Part 19

Satellite-based tool in development by MSU researchers takes guesswork out of soil sampling

October 13, 2023

Maxwell Young: Department of Computer Science and Engineering Associate Professor receives NSF CAREER award

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Maxwell Young, an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, has been awarded a National Science Foundation CAREER award. “Dr. Young is a brilliant young professor, and this award confirmed how highly recognized is his research in the scientific community,” Shahram Rahimi, department head and professor of the Department of Computer Science…

October 11, 2023

Huntsville cyber summit: Priority is taking the hack and staying online

M-State logo with the words Bagley College of Engineering underneath.

October 9, 2023


M-State logo with the words Bagley College of Engineering underneath.

October 6, 2023

Three MSU undergraduates receive exclusive Phi Kappa Phi Pioneer Award

M-State logo with the words Bagley College of Engineering underneath.

October 4, 2023

Hackathon offers inventive students a $5,000 prize

October 2, 2023

MSU alumnus-owned business, Standard Mechanics, named a top 10 metal testing services company

M-State logo with the words Bagley College of Engineering underneath.

September 29, 2023

Mississippi State University Professor Emeritus named CSAB Fellow

M-State logo with the words Bagley College of Engineering underneath.

A Mississippi State University Professor Emeritus has been named a Fellow by the CSAB, the lead ABET member society for computing programs.  Donna Reese, who retired from Mississippi State’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering in 2017, was recognized this past July by the CSAB for her leadership as a former CSAB President, CSAB Training…

September 27, 2023

Mississippi State signs MOU with Korea Institute of Science and Technology

September 25, 2023

Three Volunteers Receive Service Awards

M-State logo with the words Bagley College of Engineering underneath.

September 23, 2023