Jordan Smith of Saltillo has joined the Mississippi State University Foundation’s fundraising staff as the new assistant director of development for the James Worth Bagley College of Engineering.
Two-time Bagley alumna Rebecca Mathis doesn’t necessarily consider herself a leader in her field, but as rehabilitation engineer with Mississippi State’s T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability, she is one of only a few such professionals in the country.
As students begin arriving at Mississippi State this week, they’ll be greeted with a modified campus lifestyle that includes maroon facemasks, physical distancing, sanitizing stations and an introduction to Cowbell Well, the university’s health and safety initiative.
With an increasing number of Mississippi State University classes now including an online component, one engineering staff member has earned a prestigious certification from the international organization dedicated to improving the quality of online education. Tamra Swann, the distance education coordinator for the James Worth Bagley College of Engineering, has earned the Teaching Online Certificate…
A four-time Mississippi State alumna has been selected as the new director of educational outreach and student programs for the Bagley College of Engineering. Shana Lee transitions into the role on a full-time basis after having served as the interim director since November 2019. In her new position, she will direct Mississippi BEST Robotics, coordinate…
Like every segment of society, engineering education has undergone profound change during the Covid-19 pandemic. Shuttered campuses have turned learning virtual, with engineering faculty forced to adopt new technology for teaching and to figure out how to turn what is often a hands-on education into a remote practice.
The Bagley College of Engineering is honoring seven members of its faculty and staff who have contributed significantly to Mississippi State’s mission of research, teaching and service.Bagley’s annual awards are presented each year in order to recognize faculty and staff for their accomplishments in the college’s eight departments and multiple research centers.“We have a long…
Mississippi State is honoring more than 50 students, faculty and staff for their exceptional contributions to the university’s research enterprise.
Mississippi State University researchers are working to convert over 550 ventilators from battery power to AC power so they can be used in the state’s medical response to the COVID-19 coronavirus.
The inaugural MSU Athlete Engineering Summit brings the heat this June, just in time for summer. Mississippi State’s Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS), the Bagley College of Engineering, the MSU Athletics Department, and the university’s National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (NSPARC) partner to host the MSU Athlete Engineering Summit on June 10-11…