Bagley College expands honors program opportunities

November 17, 2003

Mississippi State engineering students who want to extend University Honors Program participation into their junior and senior years now may do so by performing additional work in regular upper-level courses.

Bagley College of Engineering departments are adding class sections that will allow upper-level students to earn honors credit by completing additional assignments such as writing course-related papers, working on research projects, creating or editing a lab manual, or performing special projects.

“For two decades, honors program students in the college of engineering have utilized honors courses to meet core curriculum requirements, but students also have sought means to earn upper-division honors credit,” said honors program director Jack H. White.

College dean A. Wayne Bennett said expanding participation in the honors program is an important component of the Engineering Enhancement Program. Implemented six years ago, the program seeks to enhance the undergraduate engineering experience by:

* improving communication skills;

* expanding the integration of computers throughout the curriculum;

* developing cross-discipline, leadership teamwork skills;

* improving entrepreneurial thinking; and

* expanding global awareness.

Since the inception of the honors program in 1967, MSU engineering students have represented about 40 percent of the honors program membership. Over the past few years, the number of engineering majors taking honors courses during their freshman and sophomore years has increased.

Bennett said the new college policy will increase the opportunities available for outstanding engineering students to earn honors credit while enhancing their understanding of upper-level course material.