BCoE Logo & Visual Identity Standards

NOTE: Logos and colors were updated by the Office of Public Affairs in November 2019.
If you have downloaded the logos prior to then, please re-download the logos below.

The logo for the Bagley College of Engineering consists of both the MSTATE "element" and the words "Mississippi State University, James Worth Bagley College of Engineering". The logo is a trademark of Mississippi State University and the Bagley College of Engineering. Those using the logo should adhere to the following Visual Identity Standards as well as the MSU identity standards.

The Bagley College of Engineering logo should appear on
ALL college and departmental publications, merch, promo and brochures.

The Bagley College of Engineering logo can appear in maroon, black, white or full-color. Any changes to the color must be requested in writing to the publications office. When printing the BCoE logo in two colors, use Black and Pantone 505.

Spirit mark guidance for:


  • Pantone 505
  • CMYK: 19, 82, 44, 54
  • RGB: 93, 23, 37
  • HEX: #5D1725

The minimum size that the BCoE logo can appear is 1 1/4 inch in width.



Use this style of logo for everything except website headers.

Bagley College logo

Website Headers ONLY

Logos (including departments and centers) in this style should ONLY be used for website headers. This style of logo should not be used anywhere else. Do not use this logo on print pieces or for any other means than web headers.

Bagley College web logo

Departmental Logos

In the latest rebranding, the following was agreed upon by the BCoE and the Office of Public Affairs:

The BCoE does not have official logos for the departments. The logo you see as the header for the websites is STRICTLY FOR WEBSITE USE ONLY.

For departments under the BCoE, the Bagley logo should be used with the departmental name as a header or subtitle according to the format of the media. For the departmental name, use a form of the font Futura, preferably a form of Futura ND.

* If you have questions about the proper usage of the logo, please contact the Publications Office.