Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
| | The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation awards scholarships and fellowships to minorities in STEM industry. | | |
Blue Waters Graduate Fellowship
| | Fellowships for graduate students in the field of high speed computer engineering or computational modeling. | | |
Ford Foundation Fellowship | | The Ford Foundation Fellowship seeks to increase diversity committed to a career in teaching and research in STEM. | Varies depending on discipline. | Yes |
Fullbright Scholarships
| | Eligible for students looking into to continue research in foreign countries, must be a US citizen, must have a MS degree or higher for certain scholarships. | Oct-16 | Yes |
The National Gem Consortium | | GEMs fellowship programs span the entire recruitment, retention, and professional development spectrum. GEMs principal activity is the provision of graduate fellowships at the MS and Ph.D. levels coupled with paid summer internships . | Varies depening on fellowship. | Yes |
IEEE Students | | A website with resources to finding jobs, fellowships, and scholarships for IEEE members. | Varies depending on discipline. | Varies |
IEEE Fellowship in the History of Electrical and Computing Technology | | Funding opportunity for Ph.D. and post-Doctorial students studying the history of electronic and computer engineering. | February 1st, 2016 | Yes |
Institute of Industrial Engineers | | Lisa Zaken Award for Excellence, Awarded to Graduate Industrial Engineers, must be active in chapter. | | |
NASA Fellowships | | Grants can be earned in each state, and have the chance to earn fellowship funding under each grant awarded, deadlines for 2016 not set. | | Yes |
National Society of Women Engineers Scholarships | | Must have degree from ABET accredited University, Applicants must be female, full time requirement, minimum 3.5 GPA, over 5 different graduate level scholarships available, $750-$15000 awarded | Varies depending on discipline. | Varies |
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) | | | Varies depending on discipline. | Varies |
ORAU | | A resource for finding Internships, Scholarships, and Fellowships through Oak Ridge Associated Universities | Varies depending on discipline. | Varies |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | | Multiple fellowships designed to increase diveristy and leadership in the Medical industry. | Feb. 22 - Apring 19, 2016 | |
SAE Scholarships and Fellowships | | Four references required, must have graduated with PhD can remove up to a year of debt for graduate engineers. | February 15th, 2016 | Varies |
Southern Regional Education Board | | Programs to provide fellowships to minorities who seek careers as faculty on college campuses. | March 31st, 2016 | Yes |
Tau Beta Pi Honor Soceity | | Deadline for fall fellowships expire at Febuary of each year. Up to $10,000 in awards, and must be a member of Tau Beta Pi. | February of each year | No |
United States Environmental Protection Agency Research Fellowships | | Eligible for Civil Engineers looking to work on environmental issues, and awards up to $44,000 a year for research and funding. | Varies | Yes |